
Group picture of Counseling and Testing staff outside in front of USA Sign.




理论方向:博士. Friend’s clinical work is driven by his interest in the 运用行为原则来理解目的、意义等主题 and values, the therapeutic relationship, and present moment focused work.

职业兴趣: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, brief solution-focused therapy, integrated healthcare, sport and performance psychology, anxiety-related disorders, relationship issues, and coping with life transitions.

专业的会员: Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors, Association for Contextual Behavioral Science


Chelsea L. Greer, Ph.D.

Chelsea L. Greer, Ph.D.

理论取向:综合心理动力学/人际关系方法 强调我们从重要关系中形成的信念和习惯. 关注所有客户的优势和幸福,并整合其他方法, such as cognitive-behavioral and solution-focused, as appropriate.

职业兴趣:年轻人的关注点,职业/职业,人际关系 问题,团体咨询,宗教和灵性,悲伤,宽恕,焦虑和 情绪障碍,以及致力于综合健康(心理、情感、身体、精神).

专业会员:美国心理学会第二分会-教学 of Psychology, 17 - Counseling Psychology, 32 - Religion & Spirituality; American College Counseling Association; Christian Association of Psychological Studies


瓦利·琼斯,m.s.S., LPC 

Vallarie Jones, M.S., LPC 

理论取向:综合心理动力学-人际过程方法 draws upon cognitive-behavioral, solution-focused, reality, and encompasses other 最适合每个客户的理论策略 best self.

专业兴趣:压力管理,家庭和关系问题,焦虑, 抑郁,健康和保健,应对技巧,和矫正行为健康.

专业会员:阿拉巴马咨询协会,阿拉巴马大学咨询 Association


Joel Dobson

Joel Dobson, ALC, NCC

理论导向:一个协作的,以客户为中心的方法集成 以证据为基础的治疗模式,以每个客户独特的个人优势为基础 以帮助他们实现个人目标,提高他们的整体意识 幸福的.

专业兴趣:原生家庭问题,童年创伤,生活转变, 青年,综合医疗保健,焦虑,情绪障碍和物质使用


Brandi Ford

Brandi Ford

理论取向:一个格式塔/解决方案为重点的方法,同时整合认知 行为疗法. Collaborating with the client to enhance individual self-awareness and discovery by exploring and utilizing evidence-based interventions for the need of the client, and to help the client ultimately reach their goals.

兴趣:健康与保健,压力管理,抑郁,应对技巧,适应力 促销、社交媒体和创伤.

专业的会员: American Counseling Association (Student)  

Rhena Baxter

Rhena Baxter

理论取向:综合的、以客户为中心的方法。 existential and holistic based therapies with emphasis on a person’s self-growth and self-actualization. 治疗可能包括两者 谈话疗法和非传统疗法,如引导意象疗法和正念疗法 modalities to enhance client awareness and overall well being.

Professional Interest: LGBTQIA+ affirming care including exploration of gender and 个人身份,对生活变化和过渡的适应,人际关系问题, building trauma resiliency, stress, anxiety, and coping skills.

专业会员:阿拉巴马州咨询协会,国家认证委员会 Counselors



贝基·史密斯博士.D. LPC, NCC

理论取向: An integrated approach that utilizes cognitive theories, motivational interviewing, emotion-focused and solution-focused strategies.

职业兴趣: Stress, anxiety and mood disorders, substance use, eating disorders, trauma, emotional intelligence, grief/loss, social media and wellbeing.

专业会员:美国心理咨询协会,阿拉巴马州心理咨询协会, Alabama College Counseling Association


Callie Mims

Advanced Practicum Student, Doctoral Clinical & 咨询心理学专业

理论取向:主要利用认知-行为的综合方法 治疗和结合正念为基础的方面,人际关系和女权主义 治疗性干预措施. Focus on understanding what maintains maladaptive thinking 行为模式,利用个人优势实现目标,提高幸福感, 培养韧性.

职业兴趣:身体形象和饮食失调问题,性别角色压力, 家庭和关系问题,完美主义,焦虑症,生活转变, 压力管理和应对技能

专业会员:美国心理学会第51分会-心理 Study of Men & 男子气概,Phi Beta Kappa



Advanced Practicum Student, Doctoral Clinical & 咨询心理学专业

理论导向:一种协作的、基于技能的方法,主要利用 “第三波”认知行为疗法(辩证行为疗法、正念疗法) Based Cognitive Therapy, and Behavioral Activation). 她专注于支持 individual’s growth through a person-centered therapeutic approach.

专业兴趣:综合保健,自我同情,自杀和自残, 社会公正、LGBTQIA+肯定关怀、青年期、应对技能和人际关系 conflict.

专业会员:美国心理学会,焦虑与抑郁 Association of America, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, and Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.



Masters-Level Clinical Mental Health Counseling Intern

理论取向:以人本主义为基础的综合方法,强调 每个学生的价值和潜力,帮助识别和利用每个学生 学生的优势,并支持学生创建可操作的目标和实践 solutions.

Professional Interest: Life transitions (adjusting into college and preparing for 大学毕业后的生活)、男性心理健康、压力管理、抑郁和焦虑 专业会员:美国咨询师协会,阿拉巴马大学咨询师 Association, Alabama Counselors Association, and Arizona Counselors Association


Emily Hilst

Emily Hilst
Masters-Level Clinical Mental Health Counseling Intern

理论取向: 我相信把人作为一个整体来关注,鼓励他们接受自我, challenge negative thoughts, and develop positive perceptions. 我想赋予客户权力 充分发挥他们的潜力. I believe this comes through establishing sustainable 习惯和发展你的能力,为自己辩护,在个人和 专业的关系.

Interests: 压力管理,生活转变,创伤护理,焦虑,完美主义,倡导 针对性侵犯,人际关系,执行功能障碍的受害者 时间管理.

专业的会员: Chi Sigma Iota咨询学术和专业荣誉协会,阿拉巴马咨询 Association, and American Mental Health Counselors Association



Masters-Level Clinical Mental Health Counseling Intern

理论取向: A collaborative Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based approach with an emphasis on self-awareness and reflection. 与客户一起识别 and achieve goals and promoting individual growth through self-exploration. Utilizing evidence-based interventions to meet the client’s unique needs and develop the therapeutic relationship.

职业兴趣: 生活转变,焦虑,抑郁,药物使用,应对技巧,LGBTQIA+问题.


Amanda Meyers

Amanda Meyers