

USA’s 夏天开始 is a six week, seven credit summer session that is scheduled from 2024年6月10日- 7月26日. 该项目为学生的大学生活提供了一个快速起步,并提供 them with the opportunity to learn more about campus and engage in academic success 夏季学期的活动.
Enjoy a more relaxed summer classroom environment with small class sizes. 学生 “在社区”学习,一起分享同一组课程. 了解你的 在秋季学期之前在校园转转,结交新朋友. 这取决于你的学术 standing in 夏天开始, you will end the summer with 7 credit hours towards a degree 大概是半个学期. 此外,完成暑期开始学业的学生 successful with have the opportunity to apply to scholarship through JagSPOT earlier 因为他们在暑假结束时拿到了大学GPA.
学生 receive an invitation to start during the summer as part of the admission process.
夏季开始课程将于2024年6月10日至7月26日举行. 住校学生 我可以在6月7日星期五下午2点到4点搬进来吗. 所有的学生都参加了暑假 6月9日(星期日)下午3时至6时开始入职.
学生宿舍 暑期学期对注册学生开放吗. 暑期开始的学生 也欢迎住在家里. 待审核学生账户余额,参与者 who have a fully complete Fall 2024 housing application will be permitted to move over to their fall room assignment at the conclusion of the summer session at no additional charge. 

暑期班学生将注册7个学分. 这取决于他们的专业 and plans for post-graduation, students will be automatically registered to be placed in the Math Learning 社区 or the Writing Learning 社区 for 夏天开始.

数学学习社区(MLC) 写作学习社区(WLC)
MA 100:微积分预科必不可少的  EH 101:英语作文I
CA 100:通讯导论      全球问题 
CAS 190:连接和反思  CAS 190:连接和反思


These classes are structured to help you succeed during your time here at South. MLC houses majors and post-graduate endeavors that require math above MA 113 (Precalculus 三角函数). 这个学习社区的重点是培养成功的技能 in various STEM degrees, business degrees, Pre-Health, Pre-OT, and/or other related majors.

WLC侧重于在写作和分析方面建立坚实的基础. 主修专业 in English, Communications, Exercise Science (Not PT or OT route), international studies, education, nursing, or any related major will be placed in this learning community. 



Successful students attend all class meetings, submit assignments on time, engage in learning activities, participate in other campus life opportunities, and connect 与教师和/或同行领导. 养成良好的学习习惯,取得好成绩 大学里的成功也会随之而来.  夏季开始将给学生机会 nurture these skills to grow into successful students here at South. 

我们期望所有的学生都能成功. 如果你对自己的表现感到不舒服, 请与我们联系. 学术卓越中心为个人提供 or group tutoring, and peer leaders are available during and after class. 专业 advisors will meet with you to plan for fall coursework and are available for coaching 任命. 我们将与您一起制定您的下一步战略. 
学生在6周内获得7个学分. 每周,你都可以去上课 从早上9点到下午1点. 你每天可能会有额外的4-5个小时 阅读,写作和其他课堂作业. 我们不建议在……期间做全职工作 夏天开始, and we would suggest caution in working more than 20 hours per week 在为期6周的课程中. 睡眠和锻炼对出色的表现至关重要, 我们强调学生的全面健康才能成功. 

Please submit your test scores for any advanced placement or international baccalaureate 把你的材料寄给招生办.

In order to receive credit for your Dual Enrollment courses, you must send the Office of 招生 an official transcript from the institution through which you took dual 注册课程. 你的最低成绩必须达到C (2).0)或更好 为了满足您的要求. 

你可以访问并发送你的ACT成绩 ACT.org 

你可以访问并发送你的SAT和AP成绩 美国大学.org

随时可以发邮件 records@deckblatt-bewerbung.net with questions regarding transfer credit to The 十大玩彩信誉平台

*If you have not sent your test scores or Dual Enrollment Credits yet, make sure to do this as soon as possible and let your advisor know what you have coming in. You can always show your Academic Advisor a screenshot of a test score or an unofficial 目前为文字记录.

夏季开学从2024年6月10日持续到7月26日. 上课时间从周一持续到周一 周五上午9:00 -下午12:30,节假日除外 校历. Attendance in all classes is mandatory during the 夏天开始 Program. 

夏天开始 students attend Southbound Orientation for Summer Session on June 10, 2024年第一天上课后. 一旦你被暑期开始录取,你就会 收到南行夏季迎新会的邀请.

You will learn about advising and technology for registration during your FYE course (CAS 190)在夏季开始. 然后,你将与你的导师单独会面 讨论你的日程安排和选择你秋季的课程.

你可以在校园里有车. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 停车服务.
Payment for the 夏天开始 program can be handled by enrolling in the 大学付款计划,利用联邦学生援助通过 FAFSA 或者自掏腰包给 学生会计处. A summer payment plan is available, with the first payment due on May 22, 2023. 

学生 should file the 2023-2024 FAFSA (using 2021 tax information) at http://fafsa.gov to be considered for federal student loans and/or grants at a half time enrollment 暑期开学状态. 

For additional information, you are welcome to contact Lauren Rhodes at lrhodes@deckblatt-bewerbung.net 或者做一个 虚拟约会.

Yes! In order to be considered for federal aid for Fall 2024/Spring 2025/Summer 2025, you will need to complete the 2024-2025 FAFSA (using 2022 tax information) at http://fafsa.gov.

联系埃里克罗梅罗,夏季开始协调员,在 eromero@deckblatt-bewerbung.net 或者拨打251-341-4966.

或者联系博士. 妮可·卡尔,学生学业成功,电话251-460-7103 

The 学术卓越中心 is open throughout the summers, and we offer tutoring, peer mentoring, advising, 以及其他学生服务. The Rec Center will be available as well; it offers indoor 室外游泳池,还有健身课程. 您的学生证将提供访问权限 服务. 
At South, every student needs a device suitable for using Canvas, our learning management 系统等高校平台.  这些程序和资源的效果最好 笔记本电脑(或台式电脑).