
Two students looking into a computer screen in a classroom

5-Year Advanced Bachelors to Master’s Program

The 计算机学院 offers an accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s (ABM) program in either Computer Science or Cybersecurity that provides exceptional undergraduate students the opportunity to earn a Master’s degree at an accelerated pace. 六个信用 hours of graduate course work can be applied toward both the undergraduate and graduate 度. ABM students typically complete the master’s degree within one academic year after completing the undergraduate degree. The ABM program is available to students pursuing the course-only, project, or 论文 option.


ABM students must meet all requirements for admission 到研究生院, in addition to any unique program requirements, which are available at http://1.deckblatt-bewerbung.net/colleges/soc/graduate-programs/admissions.html.  A complete 研究生院 application is required.


  • 3.0累计本科GPA
  • Have completed at least 96 credit hours towards the IS or ITE bachelor’s degree
  • Have completed at least 30 credit hours at USA

A student who withdraws or is dismissed from the ABM program may not count graduate 两个学位的课程. Graduate courses for which an undergraduate student did not earn an “A” or “B” grade, may not be counted towards the graduate degree.

An ABM student must be a full-time student and must complete all degree requirements for the master’s within three semesters of the semester in which they were admitted 到研究生院.  An exception for a fourth semester may be granted where an additional semester is required for final revisions to and submission of a defended 论文. Exceptions to the ABM policy are at the discretion of the Dean of the Graduate 学校.


For additional information about our program, please contact your advisor or Dr. 黛博拉•查普曼



  • Undergraduate courses as instructed by advisor
  • 研究生核心课程- 5xx
  • CIS-518 (graduate research methods)


  • Undergraduate courses as instructed by advisor 
  • 研究生核心课程- 5xx
  • 研究生选修课- 5xx


  • Graduate Course – 5xx (research directed studies)
  • 研究生选修课- 5xx


  • CIS-595 (computer and information sciences research development)
  • 研究生核心课程- 5xx
  • 研究生选修课- 5xx


  • CIS-599 (computer and information sciences 论文)
  • 研究生核心课程- 5xx
  • 研究生选修课- 5xx