


The MAcc program admits a new cohort each fall and spring. 最低要求 consideration for admission into the MAcc program include a bachelor's degree in Accounting or in other fields from an accredited institution with a GPA of 3.本科0分 program, a GMAT score of 450 with a score of 3.0 or higher in the Analytical Writing section. The GMAT must have been taken in the last five years. 所有课程必须是 taken as an undergraduate student or transferred into the university before admission will be granted to the MAcc program. 课程s must have been passed with a minimum grade of "C" to complete a prerequisite requirement. 先决条件:

Recommended prerequisite courses
课程 Title 学分
211年ACC 会计原理1
212年ACC 会计原理2
250年独联体 电脑及相关知识. 信息. 系统二世 
331年ACC 个人税收 
341年ACC 会计信息. 系统
371年ACC 财务会计I 
372年ACC 财务会计II 
381年ACC 成本会计
451年ACC 审计  3


In addition to the GMAT, international students will be required to score a minimum 在托福考试中占197分(71分)或6分.雅思成绩0分. Additional information regarding international admissions can be found here.

Provisional admission is based on a formula that includes both your GPA and GMAT score. A combination of GPA and GMAT score that meets the requirements of the following formula:

A student who has a bachelor's degree with less than 3.0但大于2.5 (A=4.0) or a minimum grade-point average of 2.75 on the last 64 semester hours of college work may attain Provisional Admission provided the student meets the minimum GMAT score requirement and meets the requirements of one of the two following formula:200 x GPA + GMAT = 1100 or200 x UDGPA (last 64 hours) + GMAT = 1100

International students must meet or exceed the University’s standard for language 熟练.

Required documents need to be sent to Office of 招生, 十大玩彩信誉平台, 2500 Meisler Hall, 390 校友 Circle, 电话:al36688-0002.

December 15th- Spring Semester


To begin the application process click here.