

The 心理测试实验室 is open


Instructor-approved proctored exams may be taken at the 心理测试实验室. 小时 只接受预约. 请电子邮件 辛迪·冯·阿勒菲尔德 to set up a time to take your exam.


The lab is located in UCOM 1220.




The lab is available for any faculty member (e.g., full-time, adjunct, graduate assistant) to schedule tests (based on availability). 请填写 请填写下面的表格 需要进行测试吗?.


  • To schedule your exam, please email 辛迪·冯·阿勒菲尔德
  • In your email, please provide the course number and section, course name, instructor name, and test number (e.g.,“考试一”).
  • Arrive at the testing lab at your agreed-upon time.
  • Address: UCOM 1220, University of 南 Alabama, 南大学大道75号.、手机、 AL 36688-0002

(The room number is 1220 and is located in Building 1000, the Psychology Building 大学公地).

  • Check in with the testing lab instructor. Be ready to show some form of picture identification (Student ID or Driver’s License are optimal).
  • Leave your phone/electronics with the testing lab instructor while you take your test.

  • When you are finished, give your test and answer sheet to the testing lab instructor and retrieve your electronics.