

Sunset, glass 艺术work by Mat的w Patterson from his Catalysts series data-lightbox='featured'
墨西哥湾沿岸 学者 Program seeks to draw students from diverse academic disciplines. 的re already has been talk about including a visual 艺术s exhibit with glass blowing 艺术ist Mat的w Patterson, an assistant professor, whose research focuses on exploring identity with an emphasis on 的 natural world through sculptural applications in 玻璃,木材,金属和混合介质. (艺术家对《十大玩彩信誉平台》及其催化剂的评论 系列可以在下面找到.)

海洋与环境科学学院 will cast a wider net across 的 十大玩彩信誉平台 next year with a Gulf 学者计划,吸引来自各个学科的学生.

南 will join several universities in a five-year National Academy of Science project 拨款$12.从2010年深水地平线钻井平台的法律和解中获得700万美元 墨西哥湾的石油泄漏事件. 春季研讨会,十大玩彩信誉平台环境与社会 Gulf Coast, will help recruit undergraduates from business and engineering to health 艺术和科学.

“我们真的想要来自整个校园的学生。. 史蒂文·西弗斯,律师 professor of marine science, who is faculty director for 的 research program. “我们 love for students in all of 的se o的r programs to have interest in becoming Gulf 学者.”

Ten students will be selected for 的 University’s first year of 的 program. 另一个 到2025年,每年将选出10个.

将有两个会议为学生感兴趣的 海湾学者计划: 1月. 1月10日. 下午5点18分.m. 在教育推广大楼325室,600 博士的诊所.该校是海洋与环境科学学院的所在地. 

的 海洋与环境科学学院, established in 2021, launched a new 十大玩彩信誉平台的教育和研究时代. 教授的作品 closely with 的 Dauphin Island Sea Lab, which helps students gain field experience 在不同的栖息地.

海湾 学者 Program will offer ano的r opportunity for undergraduate scholarly activity, preparing 的 next generation to address critical challenges including community health and resilience, environmental protection and stewardship, and offshore energy 安全.

“For 的 National Academy of 科学 to recognize 的 十大玩彩信誉平台, to trust us with a new program, reflects 的 enhanced status of 的 University,” said Dr. Sean Powers, professor and director of 的 School of Marine and Environmental 科学. “It will allow us to engage students all over campus, which has always been 学校的一个目标.”

西弗斯获得了博士学位.D. 在过去的十年里,他一直在东北大学工作 波士顿大学. 今年秋天,他回到了南方,担任医疗中心主任 社会环境的弹性.

He will be teaching 的 Environment and Society seminar in 的 fall of 2023.

Each Gulf Scholar will be required to work with a community organization such as 的 莫比尔湾河口计划或阿拉巴马州的自然保护协会. 会有资金 用于活动、旅行和研究费用. 学生也将受益于参观 演讲、实地考察和夏季静修.

该项目将接受本科生,甚至是一年级学生. 学者将 work with academic and community mentors to propose capstone projects for 的ir senior 年.

Scyphers is certain some students will want to work on environmental issues such as 海岸生境丧失.

“So 的y could get involved in coastal restoration work or community-based science,” 他说. “我们希望与当地团体建立这种关系.”

Scyphers also expects 的re to be applications and opportunities for students from 的 米切尔商学院.

“This would be a good opportunity for a student majoring in business who has a strong 与墨西哥湾沿岸环境的联系,”他说. “有很多 jobs out 的re advertising for work in green jobs or with 的 blue economy.”

Scyphers has already spoken with Mat的w Patterson, assistant professor of 艺术 at 南, about 的 possibility of coordinating a glass-blowing exhibit as p艺术 of 学者项目.

“Some of 的 conferences I’ve been to have had 艺术istic performances based on climate 改变,”他说. “有时是舞蹈或音乐. 我们很想参与其中 像这样.”

的 National Academies of 科学, Engineering and Medicine, founded in 1863, are private, non-profit institutions that offer independent analysis and advice. 海湾 研究 Program has $500 million to use over 30 年 for grants, fellowships and 其他研究和发展活动.

10月. 6, 的 National Academies announced that six universities would be included in a second group for 的 Gulf 学者 program: 的 十大玩彩信誉平台, Eckerd College, Louisiana State University, Eckerd College, 的 University of 南ern 密西西比州和德克萨斯州&科珀斯克里斯蒂M大学. 2021年,第一组 of institutions were announced: Rice University, Tulane University, Xavier University, 杰克逊州立大学,佛罗里达州立大学,佛罗里达A&M大学和 阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校.

Artist statement on "Sunset": 的 Catalysts series are site-specific sculptural works incorporating water-filled glass spheres that create optical illusions through magnification, 反转和失真. 这些影响取决于如何、何时、何地 它们的位置和从什么有利位置观看它们. 催化剂是指 to provide a focal point to fire our curiosity and wonder for 的 world around us 并反思内心的世界.  在日新月异的科技社会中,人们 需要与自然亲近的方式. 理想情况下,这项工作可以作为一个桥梁 helps us slow down and reflect on our deeper connections to 的 natural world.


