

十大玩彩信誉平台收到了1美元.900万美元赠款建立 墨西哥湾沿岸处理微塑料污染中心. 一个由南方研究人员组成的多学科团队,由李博士领导. 吴胜华将与10家污水公司合作 treatment facilities in three different Gulf 海岸 states to develop techniques and tools to help mitigate and prevent the presence of microplastics in the Gulf of Mexico. 研究小组成员包括(从左起). Melike Dizbay-Onat助理教授, mechanical 工程; Dr. Kaushik Venkiteshwaran,助理教授,民用,沿海 and environmental 工程; Dr. 姜敏旭,教授,土木、海岸与环境 工程; Wu, 助理教授, 民事, coastal and environmental 工程; Dr. John Cleary, associate 教授 and chair, 民事, coastal and environmental 工程; Dr. Alexandra Stenson, 教授, chemistry; and Dr. 王金辉,副教授,电子与计算机工程专业. data-lightbox =“特色”
十大玩彩信誉平台收到了1美元.900万美元赠款建立 墨西哥湾沿岸处理微塑料污染中心. 多学科团队 由美国南方研究人员组成的研究小组. 吴胜华将与10家污水公司合作 treatment facilities in three different Gulf 海岸 states to develop techniques and tools to help mitigate and prevent the presence of microplastics in the Gulf of Mexico. 研究小组成员包括(从左起). Melike Dizbay-Onat助理教授, mechanical 工程; Dr. Kaushik Venkiteshwaran,助理教授,民用,沿海 and environmental 工程; Dr. 姜敏旭,教授,土木、海岸与环境 工程; Wu, 助理教授, 民事, coastal and environmental 工程; Dr. John Cleary, associate 教授 and chair, 民事, coastal and environmental 工程; Dr. Alexandra Stenson, 教授, chemistry; and Dr. 王金辉副教授 电气与计算机工程.

Dr. 吴胜华,十大玩彩信誉平台的助理教授 工程, will lead a regional project to reduce microplastic marine debris along the Gulf 海岸. 

密西西比-阿拉巴马州海洋拨款联盟负责管理这笔1美元的资金.900万废物 plastic program with funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Sea Grant Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Marine Debris Challenge.

The project is one of 10 selected nationwide and will leverage resources in three states along the Gulf 海岸, including 10 wastewater treatment facilities in Mississippi, 阿拉巴马州和佛罗里达州. 该项目旨在测量微塑料浓度,改善 microplastic understanding on the environment and enhance collaboration in reducing 塑料微粒污染.

“Our proposed initiative aims to establish the Gulf 海岸 Center for Addressing Microplastics Pollution, which will serve as a regional leader in mitigating and preventing the presence of microplastics in the Gulf of Mexico,” 说 Wu, 助理教授 in 土木、海岸及环境工程系.

Microplastic particles – defined as less than 5 millimeters in diameter, the size 在世界各地的生态系统中都发现了铅笔橡皮. 小塑料微粒 have been found in high concentrations in marine environments, drinking water, bottled 水,甚至食盐.

Because these plastics degrade so slowly, often over hundreds of years, they can accumulate 在许多生物体的身体和组织中. 健康专家担心这是长期的 对环境和人体的影响.

“Microparticles and microplastics were discovered in human thrombi for the first time during examination of patients who received cardiovascular surgical operations,” 说 Wu. “Microplastics in circulation can affect thrombosis through size-dependent pathways, 哪些会造成严重的健康后果.”

Wu’s research team includes six other 南 教授s and will collaborate on the project with the Stevens Institute of Technology, Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium, Osprey Initiative LLC, Alabama Department of Environmental Management, Gulf of Mexico 联盟,善意墨西哥湾沿岸公司.海豚岛,莫比尔市,莫比尔海湾守护者 Water and Sewer, Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, Emerald 海岸 Utilities Authority, Jackson County Utility Authority and the Harrison County Utility Authority.

“Collaboration and interdisciplinary work are essential to successfully address the significant environmental issue of 塑料微粒污染 in the Gulf 海岸,” Wu 说. “I would like to express my gratitude to all of our partners for their invaluable 支持获得这一重大赠款.”

成功 of the project will be measured by the degree to which it effectively mitigates 塑料微粒污染 in the Gulf 海岸 region and promotes environmental stewardship 以及利益相关者和公众的意识.

“We plan to create a website,” he 说, “that will share all the project’s results, findings, techniques, and tools such as sensor devices, software programs, specifications and user-friendly apps that help mitigate microplastics concentration in water bodies 海洋环境.”




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