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Policy No: 2020
Responsible Office: Safety & Environmental Compliance
Last Review Date: 02/10/2022
Next Required Review: 02/10/2027
Policy No: 2020
Responsible Office: Safety & Environmental Compliance
Last Review Date: 02/10/2022
Next Required Review: 02/10/2027

Minors in Laboratories, Shops and Hazardous Areas

1. Purpose

This policy governs minors in any University laboratory, shop and/or area that utilizes hazardous chemicals, bio-hazardous or infectious materials, radioactive materials, or where there are physical hazards present.

2. Applicability

这项政策适用于科学营和其他部门赞助的活动,未成年人被批准作为一个更大团体的一部分参加, 以及所有19岁以下参加暑期实习的未成年人, 自愿参加研究活动,并参加实验室安排的活动, shops, and hazardous settings.

3. Definitions

Biological Agents: 生物体或生物体的产物,如病毒, bacteria, fungi, prions, and parasites.

Biosafety Level (BSL) Containment: 根据疾病控制和预防中心BMBL标准定义的生物安全等级1-4. Containment is defined by the type of facility, appropriate engineering controls, safe work practices, and the use of personal protective equipment.

Controlled Substances: 受《十大信誉彩票平台》和《十大玩彩信誉平台》管制的麻醉药品和非麻醉药品.

Hazardous Areas: 存在物理危险的场所,包括(但不限于)压缩气体, high voltage electrical systems, extreme temperatures, excessive noise, or fall hazards.

Laboratory: As used in this Policy, 实验室是指建筑物内使用或指定供教师使用的任何区域, staff and or students for academic or research activities, which may be hazardous; this includes clinical facilities.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): 个人防护设备是为了尽量减少并在可能的情况下消除潜在的各种危害而穿戴的设备. Basic examples of PPE are items such as gloves, lab coats, hearing protection, respirators, safety glasses or goggles, etc.

Shop: A place or area where machinery and tools are used. Shops include but are not limited to art workshops, engineering workshops, 由安全和环境合规办公室确定的符合定义的维护区域和其他场所.

Vivarium: A facility where live animals or plants are housed.

4. Policy Guidelines

This policy is intended to serve as a minimum requirement; each college and/or department may develop more restrictive policies and procedures as deemed necessary. 根据大学的指导方针,可以根据具体情况授予此政策的例外, 等待研究和经济发展服务与规划副总裁的审查和书面批准.

4.1  Children of laboratory, 车间和/或危险工作区域的人员不允许进入这些区域,除非有下列情况之一:

    • 根据员工子女和校园设施学生政策的要求; 
    • 已清除所有相关危险的实验室、车间和/或危险区域;
    • In a venue of a University/college/department-sponsored event; or
    • 陪同未成年人往返经批准的非危险办公室, corridor or space within a facility.

4.2  Minors are never 允许在任何涉及受控物质的研究环境中使用, BSL-3 or BSL-4 containment areas, Radioactive Material, or Lasers.

4.3  Minors are prohibited from working with:

    • Highly hazardous materials, including pyrophoric materials, explosives, large quantities of flammable materials (e.g. 1升或更多),以及口服LD50小于或等于50mg /kg (e.g., Hydrofluoric acid, acrylonitrile, osmium tetroxide, etc.);
    • 国际癌症研究机构(IARC) 1类或2A类致癌物或EPA规定的致癌物.

4.4  在未成年人可以进入本政策规定的限制区域之前, 他们必须首先接受有关他们可能接触到的具体危害的培训, 包括如何识别这些危害以及如何保护自己免受这些已识别的危害. 未成年人必须接受培训,了解适用于其预定任务的危险区域的标准操作程序和应急程序. 所有培训必须由首席研究员/活动赞助商记录并随着情况的变化而更新.

5. Procedures

在允许未成年人参与研究之前,主要研究者(PI)或活动发起人必须遵循以下步骤获得事先授权和父母许可, shop and/or hazardous activities, 必须确保在其监管下的未成年人接受有关预防措施和限制的适当培训.

5.1  在未成年人开始在实验室安排的作业前获得书面授权, 使用适当的表格(如.g., Liability Release, waiver).

5.2  在允许未成年人进入之前确定并建立直接监督. 导师必须是适当合格的大学教职员工. 确保由一位受过培训且知识渊博的主管进行持续的监督.

5.3  Review emergency procedures with the minor. Show the minor the emergency equipment locations, building exits and assembly points, how to access Safety Data Sheets if appropriate (e.g. 如果使用危险材料),设备和/或气体紧急关闭. 提供紧急联系电话,包括大学警察和/或安全调度号码.

5.4  Provide general and laboratory-specific safety training.

5.5  PI/活动发起人必须确认并记录未成年人接受了针对该区域危险和设备的适当的实验室和/或车间安全培训.

5.6  项目负责人/活动发起人应提供适当的个人防护装备和工程控制, and train the minor in their proper use.

5.7  PI/活动发起人必须与未成年人一起审查在实验室区域和/或车间工作的基本规则,包括指定的安全着装规范(例如.g., closed-toe shoes).

5.8  根据学校政策维护所有培训文件和责任免除表.

6. Enforcement

This policy is enforced by the Safety & Environmental Compliance Department. 不遵守规定的未成年人将被禁止参加相关项目和领域. 教师和工作人员违反政策也可能导致根据教师手册或员工手册的纪律处分, respectively.

7. Related Documents

Not Applicable.