

Associate Professor and 运动科学 Undergraduate Program Coordinator


M.A., Human Performance, University of Alabama, 2006
Ph.D.运动,营养, & 预防保健,贝勒大学,2010年


作为一名教师,我的首要目标是促进学习. 我的目的是引导学生 通过学习过程. 掌握这项技能将使学生今后受益 the limitations of their tenure as a student and prepare them to be a life-long learner. Integral to this process is helping students develop critical thinking skills. 在 becoming professionals, students will encounter unexpected situations and be required to integrate academic and practical knowledge in order to solve the complex problems 呈现在各自的领域. 因此,这些高阶思维的发展 技能是他们成功的关键. 在我的教学经验中,有以下几点 three objectives are encompassed in most of my courses: 1) build foundational knowledge for future coursework; 2) acquire knowledge and develop skills for a career; and/or 3)培养高阶思维能力. 在教授一门课程之前,我会评估学生 degree to which these three objectives are expected from the course and implement teaching methods that will be most beneficial for achieving those objectives. 我试着 to incorporate some of my practical experiences as a researcher and working in the field of sports nutrition into lectures whenever possible to help make some of the 难度越大,学生越感兴趣. 无论课程目标如何 or difficulty of the material, I always try to emphasize the purpose of the content that we are covering / assignment that they have completed and how it relates to those main objectives that will help the students in their futures courses or careers.


Most of my current research interests are related to the prevention of obesity and II型糖尿病.

More specifically, I am currently researching the utilization of optical body fat scanners for digital anthropometry and estimation of percent body fat. 我也有 completed numerous research projects investigating the effects of exercise training, nutritional interventions, and aging on the physiological adaptations and biochemical mechanisms involved in the regulation of metabolism, body composition, insulin sensitivity/glucose 摄取,减肥和体重管理. 我的其他研究兴趣包括 the effects of caffeine on anaerobic exercise performance and pain perception. 下面 是我目前项目的总结:

  • The AVATAR Study: Validation of digital anthropometric measurements of 3D virtual models and development of a prediction algorithm for percent body fat
  • 体脂测试对身体自尊的影响
  • Utilizing virtual 3D avatars to improve body self-perception assessments
  • Energy system specific analytical techniques for Wingate anaerobic capacity tests


I am member of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Strength & 条件反射协会(NSCA). 我是认证的力量 & 调节 Specialist (CSCS) sponsor for the NSCA recognized undergraduate program in HKS. I also serve as a manuscript reviewer of sports nutrition research for numerous academic 期刊. I appreciate the opportunity to serve the HKS department on a number of academic committees and enjoy serving the Mobile community through my local church.


I grew up in Jasper, AL and went to school as a Pre-Med, Chemistry major

我在贾斯珀长大,一直喜欢帮助别人. 我发现这常常有帮助 通过教学或指导. 我也对人类如何 body worked, so putting those two passions together led me to believe that  Pre-Med 会是我大学里最适合的运动吗. 带着这样的想法,我选择了 be a Chemistry major and Nutrition minor at The University of Alabama. 作为大四学生, I discovered the field of Exercise Physiology and knew that this was actually the 这是我一直在寻找的一块田地. 我喜欢辅导大学生, a resident adviser, and through campus ministries as an undergraduate student and 我知道学术界的职业生涯会是我的最佳选择. 在获得硕士学位之后 in Exercise Physiology at Alabama, I pursued an integrated PhD program at Baylor University to learn more about sports nutrition, but along the way I gained an interest in the 肥胖和II型糖尿病的病因学/病理生理学. 从贝勒毕业后,我担任 an Assistant Professor at The University of 南ern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, MS, and was then at The George Washington University in Washington, DC for 5 years. I appreciate the collaborations that I built at these schools, but am happy to call 莫比尔和十大玩彩信誉平台的家.

In my spare time, I like to go to the park and the beach with my wife and young daughter. I enjoy playing guitar, beach volleyball, tennis, and strategy board games. 我也 我喜欢看NBA篮球和大学橄榄球.


KIN 474 -运动和健身调理
KIN 476 -运动生理学
KIN 486 -高级运动生理学
KIN 571 -慢性病的运动管理 & 残疾的人