丽贝卡·米. 贾尔斯

丽贝卡·米. 贾尔斯

Professor, Department of 领导 and 教师教育


B.S., Elementary 教育, Texas State University, San Marcos, 1989
M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, University of Texas at Austin, 1993
Ph.D., 教育, University of 南ern Mississippi, 1996


The past twenty years in higher education has confirmed the belief first instilled as a novice early childhood classroom teacher long ago, that teaching is a challenging and demanding profession requiring tremendous dedication on the teacher’s part in 为了把事情做好. 成功fully engaging students in meaningful learning opportunities that incorporate the present standards, reflect the most current research, and model the latest techniques requires thorough planning, advanced preparation, flexibility in delivery, and thoughtful reflection resulting in future modifications. 我的哲学 of learning is best summarized by Frederick Froebel, the “Father of Kindergarten,” in his 1897 publication The 教育 of Man “[T]o learn a thing in life and through doing is much more developing, cultivating, and strengthening, than to learn it merely 通过口头交流思想.” As a result, I attempt to initiate stimulating dialogue and lively discussion related to course topics, incorporate cooperative learning into my lessons, and force students to use available resources, from Internet sites to personal experiences, as they search for possible solutions to complex issues.


Early Childhood, Emerging Literacy, Writing, Visual Arts


I view both professional and community service as valuable components of my position 独特的学习经历. Interaction among colleagues is essential for professional growth and a noteworthy byproduct of professional service. 作为几个成员之一 regional and national organizations, I have had countless opportunities to learn through the exchange of ideas and information with my counterparts across the country. My ultimate goal in fulfilling my service responsibilities is to increase my own personal understanding and awareness of my chosen profession while giving of my time and skills in order to promote it as a worthy, life-long endeavor.


Dr. 贾尔斯 teaches courses in the graduate Elementary and Early Childhood 教育 programs as well as the undergraduate Early Childhood Studies program. 她已经结束了 30 years teaching experience ranging from pre-kindergarten through higher education and has spoken and published widely on numerous topics related to early education, 识字和教师准备. She is the author of A Young Writer's World: Creating Classrooms Where Authors Abound (2020, Exchange Press)


  • EEC 300 Creating Effective Learning Environments
  • EEC 346儿童早期计划
  • RED 334儿童文学
  • RED 348 Language Development in Early Childhood
  • EEC 553 Organizational Patterns and Curricula in Early Childhood 教育
  • EEC 554 Language and Literacy in Early Childhood 教育